Wednesday, February 29, 2012

1st Annual Leap Year Day Post!

It's Leap Year, and I thought since it was, I would make my first annual leap year day posting.

Well it's been just over a month people, and I have blogged every day. I realize I did early monday for sunday but I literally did not have the time to post that day. Sometimes my posts have been short, sometimes they've been long and boring or even full of whine. Thank you everyone who encouraged me this past month, and for those who even commented with their advice or responses to Mitt's Adventures. Those will continue by the way, but they wont be only done when I'm sitting down to blog.

I wont be posting every day anymore, but I'll be posting at least once a week. I figure if I promise to do that, then I can manage that. I'll be working on several projects, as well as blog-bound stories that I'll probably end up posting only on here.

Well that's all I have for today, the 29th of February. and so, for those born on this day, Happy Birthday! hopefully you'll be able to vote this fall! Oh and check out the musical Pirates of Penzance; there's a great song in there that deals with the 29th of february. Something to do with an Ill-Natured Fairy I think.

Til next time!

-Spoiled Mangoes

Tuesday, February 28, 2012


So I think I mentioned this a few days ago, but I auditioned for The Importance of Being Earnest at Master Arts. It's the first show I've auditioned for at Master Arts in 4 years. After doing a stream of CCP shows in 08-09, I kind of spent time there. I always made sure I helped in some capacity with at least one show at Master Arts a season, and since starting there in 99, I have. But since my last year of College, which was the 08-09 year, I had precious little time to do as much theatre as I'd like, including at CCP or Master Arts. And the past couple of years it's down to really only doing about 1 a year, officially. That's acting in it of course. So choosing which shows to do each year has been tough, but doing only one show a year, you don't get many opportunities to audition.

It really is a fun process. Even if you don't get in, it's fun to get up and read with people you've never met, and get to act with for a bit. It's a great learning process too, because you can look back and say "I could have done this better," or "I shouldn't have done that, that was stupid!"

I always say I'll read over the book "Audition" that I bought for my auditioning class at GRCC a few years ago, but I never do. Then again, that infers more rigorous auditions than Master Arts or CCP tend to do. Though Pris MacDonald tends to really put you through your paces, which is really nice because it makes you work for the part even more. Then if you get it, you feel you've earned it all the more.

Anyhow, I just wanted to say how much I love auditioning. I'd go audition for a ton of shows, if a. I had the time, and b. could see myself having the time doing any of the shows. I wouldn't go audition just for the sake of it, because I don't want to have the off-chance of me actually getting into something I know i don't have time for. But we'll see how things go with this one.

Whether or not I get in, I'll be content. I honestly feel I gave a great audition regardless of the outcome, and that's all I can ask for at the very least.

-Spoiled Mangoes

Monday, February 27, 2012


not much tonight but read an interesting article posted on a friend's facebook page.

it's about indie films and distribution. Give that a read and ponder. I for one am still confused as to how to distribute without having a ton of money to distribute with.

A bit late

Ok so this post is coming out monday instead of sunday. Sunday was a busy day for me and didn't have time to post anything last night. Why you ask? Well the Oscars were on, and even though I did complain a tad in the previous post about how I feel everyone thinks the Oscars are the be all end all of Movies, it's still a lot of fun to watch. Plus, if you haven't seen most of the movies that were nominated, then you get to see bits of them throughout the night so you can decide if you still want to see it.

Also, because you're likely surrounded by a group of people who HAVE seen at least a few of these titles, then it gives you a chance to hear about said films, as well as about the movies that were so good that weren't nominated that might also be worth seeing.

Having seen only 2 of the films that were nominated last night (and for some of the smaller awards too) I fell into the category of hearing about the movies I should see. A few I'd heard about were ones I had already wanted to see, but others I had no idea about, and now DO. I wanted to see The Artist before the Oscars, but now I really do after all the coverage it got last night, and not just because it won 5 Oscars including Best Picture, Director and Lead Actor.

On another note, been hearing A LOT about The Hunger Games. Been hearing that the books are amazing, so that's a must read sometime before the movie comes out near the end of March.

Prediction: If The Hunger Games lives up to its hype, and is really as good as people say it will be (given how closely it stays to the book as well), it will most certainly get nominated for an Oscar next year. I will not say if it will win anything but nominated for sure, IF it lives up to its hype.

When The Last King of Scotland came out a few years ago with Forrest Whitaker as Idi Amin president of Uganda, I predicted (at the time of the trailer being released) that he would win best actor for it, and he did. I don't usually have the clairvoyance to see that so well though.

Anyhow, I'll probably post again tonight for today's update, because this is yesterday's update.

-Spoiled Mangoes

Saturday, February 25, 2012

Oscar Nom nommed

So the show I was running lights for "Rehearsal for Murder" closed today. It finished out its 4 week run with a mostly full house. They laughed when they were supposed to, they reacted, and they seemed to enjoy it thoroughly. This morning was also the first day of auditions for the next show at Master Arts "The Importance of Being Earnest." Carissa and me both went this morning. I do not choose to speculate, because there is still a monday night audition, but I at least feel we did well. Regardless of the outcome of casting, I think we can look back and say it was a good audition. As long as I gave the audition my best I have no regrets about it.

Tomorrow is the Oscars, and while that should be a big deal for me, having gone to school for Film and Video, and seeing as making movies and tv shows is where I want to be, I don't have much invested interest in them. Not because I'm not interested, but because I haven't seen any of the nominated films. then again, I am not sure what has been nominated. The biggest thing I'm looking forward to is BIlly Crystal...which is not a thing, it's a who. HE'S a who. No, not Dr. Seuss style or Doctor Who, just a regular who.

It's kind of funny how we treat the Oscars as the be all end all for film awards. As if once they've achieved that award, they're set. You never see DVD covers of movies say "Best Picture Winner - Tri- Country Awards" or "Won 6 North America Film Association Awards." the Academy is seen as the authority on what is the highest quality of films over the entire course of the year. First off, they normally just do dramas anyway, and they usually seem to pick dramas that push some sort of national sentiment or are about an historical figure. If you make a very good movie, but in the wrong year, your chances as nomination are shot.

But that only matters if you care so completely about getting the coveted award. Sure it's the most televised award ceremony for movies, and everybody seems to watch it, but still, plenty of movies that do great and are well received are seen by sometimes as many people. I don't know, as much as I love the oscars, i tend to think we think TOO highly of them.

Either way, I'm gonna watch them and enjoy them, as long as we don't ever EVER bring James Franco back as a host.

-Spoiled Mangoes

Friday, February 24, 2012


Talked with scott again this week on our screenplay we are working on. Neither one of us had come up with much during the week, but tonight on the phone we managed to hash out a lot of good stuff. Most of of it just preliminary but we have a good emotional core at our start, which is a good place to be in for any story. With a good emotional core you can go anywhere you need to.

So we're looking forward to moving ahead with this in the coming months.

Also...Quail-Man. Just saying.

-Spoiled Mangoes

Thursday, February 23, 2012

Week in-Week out

So I'm going to try something new. Not on here, necessarily. In the past few months I've been trying to write at work on my netbook and I tend to get stuck or frustrated that I'm getting anywhere. I'll bring it into the break room but the noise will be so much (and it's not even that much) that I cannot concentrate. But I've been forcing myself to try every day.

This week though I haven't done any writing at work. So I decided what I might do at work, to keep my mind stimulated and my creative self working, I would alternate. This week I'll read, the next I'll write something, the following week I read, and so on and so forth. I think that's a pretty good plan. It'll keep things from being the same all the time, and I get books read that I would not otherwise finish.

Like right now I'm in the middle of The Hobbit. I've read it before but I've been working my way through it again because the movie is coming out this Christmas. WOOT! A couple of months back I read through Ender's Game again too. I hadn't read that since High School. It's a great book, also going to movie-fied next year.

I suppose I'll retackle The Count of Monte Cristo again. I got a ways in but put it down, so I guess I should restart at the beginning.

So that's what's going on here. I think it'll all work well enough, whether or not I get a lot written. Of course that doesn't limit my writing time at home, if I write anything. And of course I wont say "No writing" anything if I have a sudden stroke of genius, but I just wont focus on it on the alternate week.

-Spoiled Mangoes