Tuesday, January 31, 2012

A post because I said so.

So had a bit of a rough and busy day and did not have a lot of time to sit down and write so this post will be very brief.

started doing some scene exercises, of which I will post in the future. They consist of taking 4 full hands of 7 seven Apples to Apples red cards, and then pulling a Green card and matching it as best I can with a card from each of the 4 hands, and then trying to create a scene with those 4 elements. I did about 10 of those, though I have yet to write anything officially yet, but I have the idea starters.

So we'll see how that goes.

that's all for today's very late and hurried update.

-Spoiled Mangoes

Monday, January 30, 2012

A Link to Writing

So in day 2's edition of this, attempt to write every day til March, thing I guess I'll give an update on a game franchise I think many people love, and hopefully several of you will appreciate this.

First off, if you are not a fan of the Zelda series, or just simply have not heard of it or been interested in it or don't know much about it, you don't have to read on...but you can!

Recently I finished the latest game in the Legend of Zelda series "Skyward Sword" that was released for the Wii this past November. To my knowledge it is the 16th orso installment in the series. Now each game has its own legend and makes references to events that have taken place or are bound to take place due to inevitability. But since it is all presented under the auspice of "Legend" it can be assumed that either the "Legends" we hear about are games we can name that we (as gamers) have played, or is a reference to another event that either A. happens in another timeline, or B. will be the hopeful setting of a future Game.

Either way, there has always been speculation as to what the timeline for all the games is. As in, what order do they come in Chronologically as opposed to release order.

Many people have always said that Ocarina of Time is the first and it is from there that everything converges and diverges. However, since Nintendo themselves stated that Skyward Sword takes place before that, we can now assume Skyward Sword is the first.

However, do we know what game comes after what? Do we know if Wind Waker and Twilight Princess are both in the same timeline or are they splits from "Kid" Link or "Adult" Link at the end of Ocarina of Time? Who is Ganon and where does he come from? What event leads to what?

Endless opinions are out there, spread across the vast landscape of cyberspace. But, now Nintendo along with the release of the new game and the 25th Anniversary Orchestra soundtrack, have released a 240 some page book called the "Hyrule Historia." From what I have read, it is not only a history of the land of Hyrule as shown and told about in every game, but also includes a succinct Timeline as created and released to us by Nintendo themselves!!

This may sound exciting, as we will now know the truth behind every thing. But this also creates some problems and, quite honestly, some apprehension on my part. 1. If Nintendo says what is and what is not Canon and part of the Official "Timeline," then every theorist has nothing to do. No discussion can commence on the part of how things progress through the games.

quick side note: I'm being intentionally vague about events in games so I don't blow it for those who have not played any of them (who still intend to). End of side note.

And 2. It feels to me that if they release the official timeline, then it seems that there could be an end to the Zelda series as a whole. Because the Timeline would not include any "Future" games.

So for those who want to know about this supposed official timeline you can go to

Scroll down a bit and it has a section of "Spoilers" that then refer to the Hyrule Historia. For those who wish to remain in the dark about Nintendo's view on the timeline, or those who don't give a Hoot, ignore it.

On the plus side, there is a rumored Prequel to Skyward Sword Manga in the Historia. So I guess if I can get my hands on this it might be worth it.

So yeah, today's update was about a video game, but in some reference to plot and overall structure of the timeline. So I feel that applies to the Writing Blog that I want this to be.

that's all for today.

-Spoiled Mangoes

also, for those who want to see an awesome Mural that was created a couple of years ago....

Sunday, January 29, 2012


Ok, So I have a really hard time writing anything. As soon as I sit down to write, I get writer's block. Even if I have something simple to write, like for the exercise I asked for suggestions for.

So for now, instead of going back to doing this exercise, (as if that weren't far enough back to the beginning) I'm going to just try to write something, anything, every day for some period of time. Since everyone seems to do that for about a month. I'll attempt to do it for a whole month. So I guess, until March I shall try to write and post something every day.

to help me get back into the habit of writing in general, I have rejoined a group of writers that I used to write with, but I left because I felt I did not have enough time because I wanted to write scripts or stories that would, you know, get me work. But since I've done precious little writing to begin with after that, I figured I think I can have time to rejoin.

Sadly it's not something I can post because it's one of those each person posts their own part of the story, so it would make little sense to the rest of you. but as I write something I will post it. Other than that, I'll be posting about random things for a month. hopefully nothing as mundane as how I spent my day, but no promises.

so let this day mark as day 1 and we'll see where I am by March 1st.

wish me luck!

-Spoiled Mangoes

Wednesday, January 11, 2012

1st Exercise

Ok, so I'm a few days late on the update. Yeah "follow up tomorrow" didn't happen.

Ok here's the 1st Exercise is from a book called "Storymaking" that I used in my Story Writing Class.

In our first exercise our teacher gave us a scenario from which we had to create a detailed account, using no plot, or character development or any author intonation of inner thoughts. Basically a beginning to end record of events.

So this first exercise is an exercise is writing in great detail to help the reader visualize the world the author has created in their piece.

in class we were given the scenario "Man Walks Out..." We then were given his destination which was the door of a woman. It didn't matter the woman's age, nor the man's age, nor his purpose, just him walking out of his house and arriving at the woman's door.

So in this post, what I want from all of you, is to give me a similar situation. Anything that could give me a starting point and an end point. Make the first action very mundane, or at least giving no details to me. I will then write a beginning to end account of whatever it is you give me with nothing but physical details of events and scenery and such. And then the end make it as simple as "arriving at door" as in the classroom exercise.

Looking forward to all your suggestions. note: I may end up doing multiple if I get a lot of responses. No promises though. :)

-Spoiled Mangoes

Friday, January 6, 2012

Back from the New Year

Ok, so I intended to get on here to, you know, write. Put up some little snippets of things I'm writing, or exercises to inspire creativity or even exercises for the writing craft itself, but then December happened at work, and you know what that means? Well, I'll give you a clue, I work in a retail warehouse, and Christmas was looming. Yep, you guessed it, I was busy busy busy with work, working weekends, getting home and being exhausted. Sooo, nothing got written.

I even, a few weeks ago, wrote down a blog post to put up when I had some time. That worked well didn't it?

Well, now that it's the New Year and even though I'm a week late for resolutions (which I never keep if I make them anyway, so I'm not bothering to do that), I'm going to at least try to post a little regularly.

So my goal (threw last years goals out the window. I didn't do any of them), is to start back at Square 1 with everything. I'm going to act as though I didn't know how to write (obligatory comments from the sarcastic group out there), and work through exercises to re-teach myself how to, building from the foundation on up.

I will be asking for all your help in this too. with my exercises, I will at times need suggestions on a topic for the particular exercise, as well as feedback on each posting of an exercise. I am really putting myself out there for heavy criticism, but if I can't take it, then I'm looking in the wrong place for a career.

So, tomorrow will come the first post in 'the exercise series' of what I will be asking for to do the first exercise. The reason I'm waiting until tomorrow, is so some of you have time to read this over, and that post will be shorter than this, and I'm sure many of you stopped reading way up at paragraph 3, so I want actual responses. I know how skimming works. :)

look for it tomorrow!

-Spoiled Mangoes